The uniqueness of Yogi Ramaiah lay in the fact that for many years he studied in the Himalayan cave ashram of the immortal Mahavatar Babaji, from whom he received instructions in numerous areas of yoga and meditation. In the middle of the twentieth century, Yogi Ramaiah lived for several years in the Himalayan cave ashram of Babaji, after which the immortal teacher sent him to the world of people to carry the knowledge of Kriya yoga.
S.Dubyanskiy was lucky to comprehend the wisdom of the practice of meditation and mantra under the guidance of Yogi Ramaiah for twelve years. S.Dubyanskiy also repeatedly received instructions from Mahavatar Babaji himself. Yogi Ramaiah carefully chose his future disciples, and only after long checks did he begin to share knowledge and begin direct teaching. Only a few disciples lived in the ashram, taking an individual course of study. Yogi Ramaiah was an enlightened Master who taught a narrow circle of students of ancient Vedic wisdom and meditation practices.
YOGI RAMAIAH (1923 - 2006)
For several years S.Dubyanskiy lived in the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba and was his interpreter during personal meetings with Russian-speaking devotees. S.Dubyanskiy had a unique opportunity to observe how Sathya Sai Baba communicated directly with followers and visitors, gave spiritual instructions, answered pressing questions, healed from diseases and changed people's lives. Sathya Sai Baba, the greatest spiritual Master of our time, the incarnation of God on Earth. He was born into this world to help millions of spiritual seekers all over the world. Sathya Sai Sai is known as a philosopher, humanist, spiritual teacher and miracle worker.
Sathya Sai Baba preached the unity of all religions, taught meditation practices, his blessings spiritually transformed people, with the help of his supernatural abilities, he healed from diseases and changed people's destinies. The life and teachings of Sathya Sai Baba have caused heated debates and discussions for many years, these disputes do not subside even now.
Sathya Sai Baba is a divine Guru who helped people at all levels of being, from the highest levels of spiritual enlightenment to the most acute problems related to health, family life and business. For Sathya Sai Baba, there were no unimportant questions. Everything that worried people was also important for Sai Baba. He communicated with each person according to his needs and level of perception.
Read more about the life, philosophy and miracles of Sathya Sai Baba in the
The Himalayas like a magnet attract spiritual seekers from all over the world, magnificent snowy peaks keep the secrets of cave ashrams and great yogis. It is in the Himalayan mountains that there is an unbroken ancient tradition of the Mahatmas, the spiritual teachers of mankind. The most significant Himalayan teacher is the legendary Mahavatar Babaji.
The sources of authentic information about Mahavatar Babaji are direct students who studied under his guidance and had a unique opportunity to receive from Babaji himself information about his life, teachings and mission on Earth. Among those who were the source of reliable information about Mahavatar Babaji was Yogi Ramaiah (1923-2006). The uniqueness of Yogi Ramaiah was that he studied for many years in the Himalayan cave ashram of the immortal Babaji.
Mahavatar Babaji is the greatest mystery. Everything we know about him is just speculation and conjecture, which is the fruit of fragmentary information, imperfect intuition and limited logic. Babaji remains inaccessible and mysterious, despite numerous attempts to fully understand his mission on Earth and learn as much as possible about his life. Those who claim to know everything or almost everything about him are in deep error and self-deception.
One of the greatest books on self-development and esotericism is Autobiography of a Yogi, written by the prominent Indian spiritual guru Paramahansa Yogananda. He wrote his autobiography as a fascinating novel, but behind the beautiful style, unusual plot and vivid descriptions of amazing events, the deepest information about Mahavatar Babaji and other gurus of the Kriya Yoga tradition is hidden. For a large number of spiritual seekers from various countries, this amazing book was the first experience of contact with true divinity and helped to embark on the path of spiritual search. There are many practitioners of meditation and yoga for whom Autobiography of a Yogi is a reference book to help advance on the path of knowledge of eternal truth.
Yogananda wrote Autobiography of a Yogi in 1946, detailing his life story and numerous stories of interactions with prominent spiritual teachers in the Kriya Yoga tradition, including some stories about the legendary Babaji. For the first time in the history of mankind, it was in his autobiography that Yogananda openly told a wide readership about the existence of Mahavatar Babaji. It's hard to imagine now, but before the publication of Autobiography of a Yogi, only a small group of advanced yogis knew of Babaji's existence.
In his book, Yogananda mentioned his personal meeting with Mahavatar Babaji, he also talked about how several other teachers of the Kriya Yoga tradition also met directly with the immortal Babaji and received spiritual instructions from him. Information about Mahavatar Babaji is not just a personal experience or fantasy of Yogananda, but serious and objective information, which is confirmed by many great yogis who managed to communicate directly with Babaji.