Prema Sai: the wonderful work of God

Према Саи промысел Божий
This material publishes the first three chapters from the book by Svyatoslav Dubyansky - “Prema Sai Baba - The Mystery of God. Part one". In this book, the author narrates the beginning of Prema Sai's mission, from birth to age eleven (2012 - 2023). In this material we publish the first three chapters of the book.

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    Svyatoslav Dubyanskiy

    Meditation Master, Esoteric Author and Artist
    For the first time, I came into contact with the practices of yoga and meditation when I was eight years old, and from the age of eleven, the practice of meditation became for me a daily journey into the endless spaces of the spirit. I was lucky to learn from wonderful spiritual Masters, whose wisdom I carefully pass on to my students.

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