Prema Sai News

Prema Sai - The materialization of the four lingams

Prema Sai
This story happened when Prema Sai was 9 years old. In his house are kept four Lingams materialized by Sai Baba through Jaya-Lakshmi Amma. Let's get this straight away, Amma always repeats that she doesn't materialize anything and doesn't heal anyone. All the miracles that happen in her presence are performed only by Sathya Sai, who is invisibly on the subtle plane next to her. Thus, the four Lingams that she presented to Prema Sai's parents in different years on Shivaratri were materialized by Sathya Sai Sai. Outwardly, it looks like this: something miraculously appears in the hands of Jaya-Lakshmi Amma, for example, a ring, a Lingam or a rosary. However, Amma always emphasizes that she does not know how and when this will happen. Objects simply appear in her hands, because on the subtle plane next to her is the invisible Sathya Sai Sai, who performs these amazing miracles. So, Amma in different years gave four Lingas to Prema Sai's parents in order to bless their family. All Lingas were materialized at different times, some of them were manifested during the Shivaratri festival. One day, my wife Svetlana and I came to Prema Sai's house and asked the parents of the divine boy to show us the wonderful Lingas that we had seen many times. To our surprise, there were no Lingams on the home altar. All attempts to find them failed. Even after two weeks of searching throughout the house, it was clear that there were no Lingams. Suspicions arose that one of the visitors simply took them with him as a keepsake. The boy Prema Sai silently watched the long search. Finally, two weeks after the suggestion that the Lingas had been taken away, one of the visitors to Prema Sai said that the altar should be looked at. To everyone's surprise, four Lingams ended up on the altar, although the entire altar room had been searched many times, they were not there. It was clear that Prema Sai again materialized them right in the most visible place.